Thursday, January 27, 2022

Life slows down to a crawl... more than a year later

You will notice that last post was about fall 2020, but was posted this year, 2022. Somehow, 2021 disappeared without a trace. Yes, there was demolition work done on the Argosy, here and there, catchup posts to follow, but we are stuck in a way that only big changes can rectify, so we've been concentrating on the Coleman trailer, getting it set up and ready to travel. We've had one trip in it so far, our shakedown cruise, found many (many) issues with the utilities - after all, we did get a salvage title with it - but after a long visit to Gander RV in the worst of the RV craze, she is home and we are getting it ready for a March trip. 

It's not a bad little trailer, though compared to an Airstream, clunky and a little boring, but it's got a pretty good layout for a small trailer and it works for the time being. There is a huge advantage for us in delaying the Airstream renovations til we get a little more experience in trailer systems. Since my last two RVs were pretty much trouble free, I don't have as much familiarity with battery or propane problems, so we are getting an education trying to get our practice trailer, the Coleman, up to snuff. 

I'll post photos of our 2021 demolition soon. 

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